Monday, September 20, 2010

The Impossible Me - By Andre Barnett

It is at your highest pinnacle of the impossible, the possibility of overcoming the possible is conquered. We see through a mirror which is unknown, but then it is known to us what is behind the mirror. What is behind the mirror is the impossible. I believe that once we conquer the impossible, then we can achieve unlimited success. Success is like working out. To be healthy you have to exercise more and eat healthy food. To be successful you have to exercise more in the things you have passion for and seek mentors, teachers, or friends that are aligned in what you what to accomplish. A lot of people, including myself thinks that successful will happen at a certain age in life. Meaning, when I hit 35 all of a sudden, chances and opportunities will come my way and I will become successful. A lot of people has different meaning of what success really is. I came to an conclusion that success is a mixture of passion, chance, change and opportunity.

A million dollars is just one person away, I heard a pastor preach that Saturday morning around 4:30 am. Driving into work I have seen expensive cars that cost more than $100,000 driving next to cars that cost less than $25,000. What is the significant of this parable? Riches and wealth approaches everyone. The factor of this matter is that some people cannot tell if this is an opportunity or just a feeling of hope. Within hope there is faith, and faith is a believe system that conquers fear and doubt. It is strange to me to see people wanting less, when they are qualified to get more. Very creative people are very intelligent people. Some of you might agree with me some of you might not. That was just my opinion. The true of the matter is money do not answer all of our desires or fantasies. Oh! I meant money is not the answer to everlasting joy. Back to the expensive cars and the inexpensive cars philosophy; same road but different cars. Highways' rules and regulations applies to all drivers, but different drivers. Different drivers has different driving skills. What are you trying to say? We all were born to be successful, it is the same motivation or persistent that millionaires have that can be applied to anyone geared to success., the tricky part is what motivate us and are we persistent enough to say, i will not give up.

Slow motion and instant motion separates successful and unsuccessful results. What? I'm confused. You may ask yourself that, right? Change and opportunities are instant motion. Choices and passion are slow motion. New R&B artist getting a contract deal which in return change his/her lifestyle because of the opportunity presented to them; instant motion. Choices of songs to be release, radio stations playing songs that becomes a hit, managers to manage new artist, picking an agent are some of the choices that artist make; slow motion. If you make a bad choice, it slows down or alter your goals. Good choices speeds up your admiration towards your goals but require steps which is consider slow motion.

The last two minutes of your workout, is where you muscles are being develop. The beginning of your workout is to prep you towards the end. You are building momentum, towards the impossible. When you are in the impossible, you have no rivals or enemies. You are the King of your own palace, you are the pinnacle of what was unknown and now is known. You are not a subject, but an object of glory, an object of a rare diamond that are different from the rest of the other diamonds. The beginning of your goals is to prep you towards your end results which is success. It is not until you conquer the impossible, possibility to accomplish anything you set your mind to become possible. It is at the very last moment when you say to yourself that I cannot do this or I cannot do that, lies the impossible. Giving up is possible, not giving up and doing your very best is the impossible.

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